Okay so great game. Revelation Online ( https://ro.my.com/en )
Has some quirks, but beautiful graphics.
This game is not about leveling. It will help you gain levels. This is more about being sociable.
guild mechanics pretty much the same, except have to build it up as a guild. ( no, really guild level is based on construction and people doing actual guild quests.)
Controls slightly different than say wow, but over all if you loved wow ( once upon a time or current) I would love for you to join us, I want to see what we can do with guild and wars, and quest locations.
We have guild, I need players that know how to play a game and be a team/guild.
Server is North America- Tusenwood server-
I am on for a brief time thru out week 9pm central/10 eastern. on Thursdays and Fridays usually on during day as well at night. So if interested and want some assistance, or have questions. you can pm me or post here.
I think this could be a lot of fun for those of us who enjoy games where we can hang out. ( and hey team speak channel already there also )
ALSO did I mention ITS free to play- you can buy most of what u require with coins from game you earn ( even to get premium service. )
Calling for Help
Re: Calling for Help
I will most likely give it a shot. I have it downloaded, just been busy playing Player Unknown Battle Grounds and World of Warships.