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The Secret World

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:23 am
by [WLG]Omen
Ok so game by Funcom, has been out for a while, but with all the games trying to do same thing it tooka while for me to get to it.

There are 3 factions each with a different belief structure.
Each faction is against the other, however together to fight the darkness that has arisen.

The choices of "Classes" is really from what I can see as Weapon based.
You can choose to start with either:
Melee : Hammer - Sword - Fists
Guns: Assault Rifle - Dual Pistols - Shot Gun
Spells: Chaos - Blood - Elemental

Now while I have chosen to make one of each faction it should be known that to do "PvP" with your friends as a group, you all have to be in same faction. (ie. a Templar & 2 Dragons & 2 Illuminati, could not join as a group for PvP.)

The character builds are different. You have different things to build on to form a complete character. and story line seems interesting along with general game play.

I will offer more as I get further in game as well as any input from those currently playing or having played who have suggestions or tips.

Those that wish to join Ghost & I we are on
Server: Daemon
Names for me are: Decnavda, Lareh, Kerridwen

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:25 am
by Ghost
As an added bit of information:

The belief structure of each of the societies is generally founded on a singular principle.
"There is no purpose greater than ours. The world will flounder without structure and discipline."
The old guard; suave and sophisticated, but fiercely brutal and uncompromising in their crusade against darkness.
For more information:
"Change requires chaos, and chaos is ours to orchestrate."
Unknowable instigators of change, through quiet violence they create tiny ripples that grow into sweeping tsunamis.
For more information:
"The world is a bad place, and you can either do or get done. We're the Illuminati and we're not done."
Invisible puppet masters and corporate manipulators, they crave power and wealth by any means necessary.
For more information:

If you want to see which society you belong to, take this test:
Even if you don't get the society you want, the choice is still yours.

The selection of a "Class" is not a simple task. As there are nine different weapons, and the game allows for the selection of any two weapons simultaneously, your choices on customization are quite vast. As this game is not bound by levels, and is ruled entirely by skill, even if you choose a "Class" early on and devote your time and skill/attribute points toward it, as you continue to progress in the game, you can still gain more points, allowing you to branch into other weapons and skill sets till you have filled the entirety of skillboard, becoming a "Panoptic Core".

Unfortunately, because of the potential for someone being completely overpowered if they had access to every skill at once, the game counters this by limiting your selection of Active Abilities and Passive Abilities respectively to seven.

Each of the societies also have access to their own "Decks". Decks are a specific selection of skills centered around the use of two specific weapons, creating "Game Classes" that the developers believe will help players with their ability and skill selections, though the player has final say over what is wanted.

The use of armor is nonexistent in this game. The player wears normal garb. Instead of armor, the use of talismans is implemented. These are what give the player their defenses, attack rating, heal rating, etc...

To equip talismans of higher quality, the player must spend skill points to allow for their use. The talismans are separated into three categories: Head, Major, and Minor Talismans.

A note on the style of the game's story line. It is centered around a world in which all of the conspiracy theories and mythologies that exist in our world, are true, such as the Legend of Agartha